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Water Footprint

Water insecurity and water scarcity affect billions of people around the world

Why We Care

Almost two thirds of the world’s population face severe water scarcity at least one month in each year, and over a billion more are expected to live in areas of extremely high water stress by 2040.1,2

Ensuring Access to Fresh Water for All

The impact of water insecurity and water scarcity is felt across our value chain, from the sources of our fiber to the facilities that create our products, to the communities where our employees and consumers live. Addressing the increasing challenge of water security across our value chain and regions of operation is one of the priorities in Kimberly-Clark’s sustainability strategy for 2030. 

Although a global challenge, addressing water stress is inherently a local issue. Our strategy aims to maximize the benefit we can drive by targeting the majority of our efforts towards regions at greatest risk and customizing our approach and ambition for the specific needs of each water basin.

Learn More About Our Water Use & Stewardship Right Arrow

Goals and Progress

We aim to reduce our water footprint by 50% in water-stressed regions by 2030. In 2022, Kimberly-Clark achieved a 42% reduction of water consumption against our 2015 baseline.

Engage with Stakeholders

Reduce our Water Footprint