Standards and Requirements

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Kimberly-Clark weaves supplier stewardship into the fabric of our business by maintaining a resilient supply chain that includes supplier relationships with like-minded business and economic values, social compliance and corporate sustainability adoption.

Stewardship Standards for Suppliers outline Kimberly-Clark's commitment to operating in an environmentally, ethical and socially responsible manner. We expect our suppliers to adopt these same commitments when working with us.

Go to Supplier Social Compliance Standards to learn more about the Kimberly-Clark Code of Conduct and Supplier Social Compliance agreements we expect our suppliers to embrace and demonstrate when conducting business with us.

Supplier Requirements provides a glance at the variety of agreements and commitments suppliers will be responsible for when interacting with Kimberly-Clark. Acknowledgement of these requirements is expected.

Download Kimberly-Clark Supplier Code of Conduct

Download Conflict Minerals Report here